Frozen shoulder what it is?
Frozen shoulder is the common name
for increasing pain, stiffness and immobility of the
shoulder joint. It is due to inflammation and
thickening in the lining of the capsule surrounding
the joint (capsulitis). In most cases, no obvious
cause is found, but it may come on after a fall, a
task involving repetitive movements of the joint (eg
painting the ceiling) or after unaccustomed exercise.
Attacks have also been linked with other medical
conditions such as chronic bronchitis, stroke or
heart pain (angina), perhaps triggered by general
During the initial, acutely painful
stage of frozen shoulder, rest is usually
advised.Applying hot or cold packs can help. After
the pain starts to reduce, manipulation by a
physiotherapist, osteopath or chiropractor will
improve mobility, but it can take many months before
the range of movement approaches normality
Applying magnetic patches
Apply one or more magnets over the most painful sites | relief often occurs within half an hour. Magnetic patches can also be applied to acupuncture points over or near the site of pain, as shown in the following illustration. Select the points which most closely relate to the site of discomfort.